
Plays Well With Others...

Official NaNoWriMo 2005 Winner
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Location: Dallas, Texas, United States
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Jan 23, 2007

Gilded With a Touch of Sugar
I want to make these cookies! They make me feel all sappy and gooey and victorian inside. The cutters are from Sur La Table which in my opinion blows Williams-Sonoma out of the water. I may even be willing to blow the $25 dollars to get these cutters if I have money left over after I pay The Man this month. (Unfortunately, that's not likely, so I will probably cave and go buy some crappy replica version at Target...Not that I don't love Target or anything, but these are COPPER! and the hearts have extra pointy ends!)

In other news, I have new pictures of my baby seedlings. They are so cute! I will post them when I have a few minutes. Maybe while I scarf down my super yummy lunch of stuffed red bell pepper that I made last night. And that EVERY dietician in the Northern Hemisphere would approve of due to its super lean turkey meat and brown rice, and red bell pepper, and tomatoes, and no added fat...Oh yeah, Baby! Mmmm...I can't wait. Seriously, they are awesome.

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posted by Ty @ 1/23/2007 | 1 comments