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Official NaNoWriMo 2005 Winner
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Aug 24, 2004

Monday Margs are BACK!
We had our first Monday Margs without AC yesterday. We went to Gloria's. Their bean dip is possibly the best bean dip in the ENTIRE world. It was fun seeing everyone again. And since we haven't had one in some time, there was a lot we had to catch up on. It seems everyone had something interesting happen in the last few weeks. The best being that TN has a crush on a post-doc. who works where she is interning...I will be interested to see how that turns out. She made the smooth move yesterday of asking him if a pickle was fruit or a vegetable...She blamed this lack of mental function on a hectic day and freezing air conditioning. I guess her brain was frozen? I hope she can recover from the pickle incident! But what a funny story that would be to tell people later if they do get together!
posted by Ty @ 8/24/2004 | 0 comments